Petersburg - October 1917 - Bolshevik revolution - Return to Gurdjieff in the Caucasus - Gurdjieff's attitude to one of his pupils - A small company with Gurdjieff at Essentuki - More people arrive - Resumption of work - Exercises are more difficult and varied than before - Mental and physical exercises, dervish dances, study of psychic tricks - Selling silk - Inner struggle and a decision - The choice of gurus - The decision to separate - Gurdjieff goes to Sochi - A difficult time: warfare and epidemics - Further study of the enneagram - Events and the necessity of leaving Russia - London the final aim - Practical results of work on oneself feeling a new I, a strange confidence - Collecting a group in Rostov and expounding Gurdjieff's system - Gurdjieff opens his Institute in Tiflis - Journey to Constantinople - Collecting people - Gurdjieff arrives - New group introduced to Gurdjieff - Translating a dervish song - Gurdjieff the artist and poet - The Institute started in Constantinople - Gurdjieff authorizes the writing and publishing of a book - Gurdjieff goes to Germany - Decision to continue Constantinople work in London, 1921 - Gurdjieff organizes his Institute at Fontainebleau - Work at the Chateau de la Prieuré - A talk with Katherine Mansfield - Gurdjieff speaks of different kinds of breathing - Breathing through movements - Demonstrations at the Theatre des Champs Elysées, Pans - Gurdjieff's departure for America, 1924 - Decision to continue work in London independently.
"There is no doubt that there may be very interesting ways, like music and like sculpture. But it cannot be that every man should be required to learn music or sculpture. In school work there are undoubtedly obligatory subjects and there are, if it is possible to put it in this way, auxiliary subjects, the study of which is proposed merely as a means of studying the obligatory. Then the methods of the schools may differ very much. According to the three ways the methods of each guru may approximate either to the way of the fakir, the way of the monk, or the way of the yogi. And it is of course possible that a man who is beginning work will make a mistake, will follow a leader such as he cannot follow for any distance. It stands to reason that it is the task of the leader to see to it that people do not begin to work with him for whom his methods or his special subjects will always be alien, incomprehensible, and unattainable. But if this does happen and if a man had begun to work with a leader whom he cannot follow, then of course, having noticed and realized this, he ought to go and seek another leader or work independently, if he is able to do so."

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