Work in groups becomes more intensive - Each man's limited repertoire of roles - The choice between work on oneself and a quiet life - Difficulties of obedience - The place of tasks - Gurdjieff gives a definite task - Reaction of friends to the ideas - The system brings out the best or the worst in people - What people can come to the work? - Preparation - Disappointment is necessary - Question with which a man aches - Revaluation of friend - A talk about types - Gurdjieff gives a further task - Attempts to relate the story of one's life - Intonations - Essence and personality - Sincerity - A bad mood - Gurdjieff promises to answer any question - Eternal Recurrence - An experiment on separating personality from essence - A talk about sex - The role of sex as the principal motive force of all mechanicalness - Sex as the chief possibility of liberation - New birth - Transmutation of sex energy - Abuses of sex - Is abstinence useful? - Right work of centers - A permanent center of gravity.
"How would you separate your own from what is not your own? It is necessary to think. It is necessary to know where one or another of your characteristics has come from. And it is necessary to realize that most people have very little of their own. Everything they have is not their own and is mostly stolen. Everything that they call ideas, convictions, views, conceptions of the world, has all been pilfered from various sources. And all of it together makes up personality and must be cast aside."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
- DIMschool vzw, de énige gespecialiseerd in Zelfkennis, zijnde: het kennen van het Zelf -
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