Historical events of the winter 1916-17 - Gurdjieff's system as a guide in a labyrinth of contradictions, or as Noah's Ark - Consciousness of matter - Its degrees of intelligence - Three-, two- and one-storied machines - Man composed of man, sheep and worm - Classification of all creatures by three cosmic traits: what they eat, what they breathe, the medium they live in - Man's possibilities of changing his food - Diagram of Everything Living - Gurdjieff leaves Petersburg for the last time - An interesting event: transfiguration or plastics? - A Journalist's impressions of Gurdjieff - The downfall of Nicholas II - The end of Russian history - Plans for leaving Russia - A communication from Gurdjieff - Continuation of work in Moscow.
[Further study of diagrams and of the idea of cosmoses - Development of the idea time is breath in relation to man, the earth and the sun; to large and small cells - Construction of a Table of Time in Different Cosmoses - Three cosmoses taken together include in themselves all the laws of the universe - Application of the idea of cosmoses to the inner processes of the human organism - The life of molecules and electrons - Time dimensions of different cosmoses - Application of the Minkovski formula - Relation of different times to centers of the human body - Relation to higher centers - Cosmic calculations of time in Gnostic and Indian literature - If you want to rest, come here to me - A visit to Gurdjieff at Alexandropol - Gurdjieff's relationship with his family - Talk about the impossibility of doing anything in the midst of mass madness - Events are not against us at all - How to strengthen the feeling of 'I'? - Brief return to Petersburg and Moscow - A message to the groups there - Return to Piatygorsk - A group of twelve foregathers at Essentuki.]

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