Religion: a relative concept - Religions correspond to the level of a man's being - Can prayer help? - Learning to pray - General ignorance regarding Christianity - The Christian Church a school - Egyptian schools of repetition - Significance of rites - The techniques of religion - Where does the word ‘I’ sound in one? - The two parts of real religion and what each teaches - Kant and the idea of scale - Organic life on earth - Growth of the ray of creation - The moon - The evolving part of organic life is humanity - Humanity at a standstill - Change possible only at crossroads - The process of evolution always begins with the formation of a conscious nucleus - Is there a conscious force fighting against evolution?- Is mankind evolving? - Two hundred conscious people could change the whole of life on earth - Three inner circles of humanity - The outer circle - The four ways as four gates to the exoteric circle - Schools of the fourth way - Pseudo-esoteric systems and schools - Truth in the form of a lie - Esoteric schools in the East - Initiation and the Mysteries - Only self-initiation is possible.
Gurdjieff: "Esoteric schools, that is: not pseudo-esoteric schools, which perhaps exist in some countries of the East, are difficult to find because they exist there in the guise of ordinary monasteries and temples. Tibetan monasteries are usually built in the form of four concentric circles or four concentric courts divided by high walls. Indian temples, especially those in Southern India, are built on the same plan but in the form of squares, one contained within the other. Worshipers usually have access to the first outer court, and sometimes, as an exception, persons of another religion and Europeans; access to the second court is for people of a certain caste only, or for those having special permission; access to the third court is only for persons belonging to the temple; and access to the fourth is only for Brahmins and priests. Organizations of this kind which, with minor variations, are everywhere in existence, enable esoteric schools to exist without being recognized. Out of dozens of monasteries one is a school. But how is it to be recognized? If you get inside it you will only be inside the first court; to the second court only pupils have access. But this you do not know, you are told they belong to a special caste. As regards the third and fourth courts you cannot even know anything about them. And you can, in fact, observe the same order in all temples and until you are told you cannot distinguish an esoteric temple or monastery from an ordinary one.”

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