August 1917 - The six weeks at Essentuki - Gurdjieff unfolds the plan of the whole work - Schools are imperative - Super efforts - The unison of the centers is the chief difficulty in work on oneself - Man the slave of his body - Wastages of energy from unnecessary muscular tension - Gurdjieff shows exercises for muscular control and relaxation - The stop exercise - The demands of stop - Gurdjieff relates a case of stop in Central Asia - The influence of stop at Essentuki - The habit of talking - An experiment in fasting - What sin is - Gurdjieff shows exercises in attention - An experiment in breathing - Realization of the difficulties of the Way - Indispensability of great knowledge, efforts, and help - Is there no way outside the ways? - The ways as help given to people according to type - The subjective and objective ways - The obyvatel - What does to be serious mean? - Only one thing is serious - How to attain real freedom? - The hard way of slavery and obedience - What is one prepared to sacrifice - The fairy tale of the wolf and the sheep - Astrology and types - A demonstration - Gurdjieff announces the dispersal of the group - A final trip to Petersburg.
Ouspensky: "My friend from St. Petersburg asked me, when we had spoken of Gurdjieff's system and of work on oneself, whether I could indicate any practical results of this work. Remembering all I had experienced during the preceding year, particularly after Gurdjieff's departure, I said that I had acquired a strange confidence, one which I could not define in one word but which I must describe."
"This is not self-confidence in the ordinary sense," I said, "quite the contrary: rather is it a confidence in the unimportance and the insignificance of self, that self which we usually know. But what I am confident about is that if something terrible happened to me like things that have happened to many of my friends during the past year, then it would be not I who would meet it, not this ordinary I, but another I within me who would be equal to the occasion. Two years ago Gurdjieff asked me whether I felt a new I inside me and I had to answer that I felt no change whatever. Now I can speak otherwise. And I can explain how the change takes place. It does not take place at once, I mean that the change does not embrace every moment of life. All the ordinary life goes on in the ordinary way, all those very ordinary stupid small I's, excepting perhaps a few which have already become impossible. But if something big were to happen, something which would require the straining of every nerve, then I know that this big thing would be met not by the ordinary small I, which is now speaking, and which can be made afraid, nor by anything like it - but by another, a big I, which nothing can frighten and which would be equal to everything that happened. I cannot describe it better. But for me it is a fact. And this fact is definitely connected for me with this work. You know my life and you know that I was not afraid of many things, both inward and outward, that people are often afraid of. But this is something different, a different taste. Therefore I know, for myself, that this new confidence has not come simply as a result of a great experience of life. It is the result of that work on myself which I began four years ago."

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- DIMschool vzw, de énige gespecialiseerd in Zelfkennis, zijnde: het kennen van het Zelf -
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