Man's Possible Evolution
When we understand the importance of the study of man from the point of view of his possible evolution, we shall understand that the first answer to the question: 'What is psychology?' should be that psychology is the study of the principles, laws and facts of man's possible evolution.
Here, in these lectures, I shall speak only from this point of view.
Our first question will be 'What does evolution of man mean?', and second: 'Are there any special conditions necessary for it?'.
As regards ordinary modern views on the origin of man and his previous evolution I must say at once that they cannot be accepted. We must realise that we know nothing about the origin of man and we have no proof of man's physical or mental evolution.
On the contrary, if we take historical mankind, that is, humanity for ten or fifteen thousand years, we may find unmistakable signs of a higher type of man, whose presence can be established on the evidence of ancient monuments and memorials which cannot be repeated or imitated by the present humanity.
As regards prehistoric man or creatures similar in appearance to man and yet at the same time very different from him, whose bones are sometimes found in deposits of glacial or pre-glacial periods, we may accept the quite possible view that these bones belong to some being quite different from man, which died out long ago.
Denying previous evolution of man we must deny any possibility of future mechanical evolution of man; that is: evolution happening by itself according to laws of heredity and selection, and without man's conscious efforts and understanding of his possible evolution.

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