When you gaze up at the night sky, through the veil of stars and the plane of the Milky Way close by, you can't help but feel small before the grand abyss of the Universe that lies beyond. Even though nearly all of them are invisible to our eyes, our observable Universe, extending tens of billions of light years in all directions, contains a fantastically large number of galaxies within it.
Just how many galaxies are out there used to be a mystery, with estimates rising from the thousands to the millions to the billions. If we made the most straightforward estimate using today's best technology, we'd state there are 170 billion galaxies in our Universe. But, we know more than that, and our modern estimate is even grander, being: two trillion galaxies (
Only one in a hundred stars actually die suddenly, the rest all blow away their outer layers and contract down to become white dwarves, lasting hundreds of billions of years.

We can philosophise about it for days, weeks and months, but what matters is trying to understand what Gurdjieff meant by:
“This system, which maintains everything arisen and existing, was actualized by our Endless Creator in order that what is called the ‘exchange of substances’ - or, the ‘Reciprocal-feeding’ of everything that exists, might proceed in the Universe and thereby that the merciless ‘Heropass’ might not have its maleficent effect on the Sun Absolute."
True or false?.... I don't know. Of course, Gurdjieff also got his knowledge from somewhere. In any case, the theory he offered allows any eclectic to better understand the Ray of Creation. And..., is that Ray of Creation based on the Truth or Untruth? Who will come and tell?
In any case..., if you understood the previous blog correctly, Time has a hold on us within certain limits. For instance, the speed of light is never matched because Time slows everything down. But, once outside the limit, galaxies travel much faster than the speed of light and thus Heropass no longer has a hold on them.
Why do stars die?

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