Beste eclecticus,
Metaforen helpen iedere zoekende mens om de dingen van het Leven beter te begrijpen. Ik bedoel: vanuit een Zijn - Weten - Begrijpen. Om die reden kunnen zelfs Bijbelse parabels een diepe indruk in de mens nalaten. Het zijn B-invloeden, afkomstig van C-invloeden. Anders gezegd: de gewone mens, die slechts Moeder Natuur dient, heeft er niets aan. Voor hem geldt, bijvoorbeeld, de regel: "Ga en vermenigvuldig u opdat de onsterfelijkheid van de mensheid niet in gedrang komt."
Op Wikipedia lees je daarover: "Het doel van geslachtsgemeenschap kan seksueel genot zijn, geslachtelijke voortplanting of beide."
Hoeveel baby's, die daaruit kunnen voortkomen, maken kans om ooit tot zichzelf uit te groeien?... Zeer velen, is het juiste antwoord. Dit wordt in onderstaande tekst op een prachtige manier verstaanbaar gemaakt. Noteer ook, beste eclecticus, dat Gurdjieff er de Wet van Drie bij betrekt!... Lees de tekst dus met volle aandacht, hé! Driemaal, als het kan! Enkel jij weet waarom... :-)
En, indien je er een vraag of vragen over hebt, kan je die morgen in de Werkgroep stellen. Tot dan!
I´m reading from Chapter 9 of Fritz Peters book 'Boyhood with Gurdjieff'...:
He then asked me to look out of the window and to tell him what I saw. I said that, from that window, all I could see was an oak tree. And what, he asked, was on the oak tree? I told him: acorns. "How many acorns?" When I replied, rather uncertainly, that I did not know, he said impatiently: "Not exactly, not ask that. Guess how many!" I said that I supposed there were several thousand of them. He agreed and then asked me how many of the acorns would become oak trees. I answered that I supposed only five or six of them would actually develop into trees, if that many. He nodded. "Perhaps only one, perhaps not even one.
Must learn from Nature. Man is also organism. Nature make many acorns, but possibility to become tree exist for only few acorns. Same with man - many men born, but only few grow. People think this waste, think Nature waste. Not so. Rest become fertilizer, go back into earth and create possibility for more acorns, more men, once in while more tree - more real man. Nature always give - but only give possibility. To become real oak, or real man, must make effort. You understand this, my work, this Institute, not for fertilizer. For real man, only. But must also understand fertilizer necessary to Nature. Possibility for real tree, real man also depend just this fertilizer."
After a rather long silence, he continued: "In west - your world - is belief that man have soul given by God. Not so. Nothing given by God, only Nature give. And Nature only give possibility for soul, not give soul. Must acquire soul through work. But unlike tree, man have many possibilities. As man now exist he have also possibility grow by accident - grow wrong way. Man can become many things, not just fertilizer, not just real man: can become what you call 'good' or 'evil', not proper things for man. Real man not good or evil - real man only conscious, only wish acquire soul for proper development."
I had listened to him, concentrated and straining, and my only feeling - I was 12 then - was one of confusion, incomprehension. I sensed and felt the importance of what he was saying, but I did not understand it. As if aware of this (as he surely was), he said: "Think of good and evil like right hand and left hand. Man always have two hands - two sides of self - good and evil. One can destroy other. Must have aim to make both hands work together, must acquire third thing: thing that make peace between two hands, between impulse for good and impulse for evil. Man who all 'good' or man who all 'bad' is not whole man, is one-sided.
Third thing is conscience... Possibility to acquire conscience is already in man when born; this possibility given - free - by Nature. But is only possibility. Real conscience can only be acquired by work, by learning to understand self first. Even your religion - western religion - have this phrase 'Know thyself'. This phrase most important in all religions. When begin know self already begin have possibility become genuine man. So first thing must learn is know self by this exercise, self-observation. If not do this, then will be like acorn that not become tree - fertilizer. Fertilizer which go back in ground and become possibility for future man."
Gurdjieff - Oak Trees, Acorns & the Soul of Man

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