Beste eclecticus,
In Eclecticus staat er een interessante tekst over onze innerlijke, psychologische wereld waarmede we eveneens rekening zouden moeten houden, getiteld: 'Where we live psychologically'. Het begint met de volgende woorden...
"Man is defined in the Work first of all by what he eats and what he breathes and where he lives. Every living animal is defined in the same way – namely: by what it eats, what it breathes, and where it lives. A fish, for example, is different from a man in this respect because a fish lives in the water and breathes in a quite different way from a man and eats different food. The Work also teaches that in this great machine of Organic Life everything eats everything else. The Work, in fact, says that the whole Universe is based on the idea of eating and being eaten. Just think for a moment, can any one of you live without eating something else? Let us take simply Organic Life itself – namely: this sensitive film which surrounds this small planet called the Earth. This sensitive film is fed by the great energy of the Sun, to begin with, but everything in Organic Life on this Earth exists only by eating something else. Some of you have heard this idea before into which I am not going further tonight. I will return to the opening phrase: Man is defined in this Work by what he eats, what he breathes and where he lives.
Now let us take this idea psychologically and not literally. Let me ask you: "What do you eat psychologically? What do you breathe psychologically? And where do you live psychologically?..."
Supposing you are very fond of eating negative emotions? Supposing you love long, unhappy thoughts? Or supposing that you love hearing negative stories, unpleasant rumors about other people? Psychologically some people eat nothing but unpleasant impressions, unpleasant remarks. They are attracted to unhappy, uneasy situations. They like unpleasant things, they like to talk negatively. This is their food. Again, they breathe in, psychologically speaking, not Truth, but false things, lies, unpleasant things."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
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