Beste eclecticus,
Van alle mensen, die ooit aan Zelfkennis hebben gedaan, is er - voor zover ik weet - niemand bij die met zijn/haar 'Zijn' nog daadwerkelijk in contact staat. Imaginair misschien wel. Zoals jij weet, beste eclecticus, bestaat de kunst er nochtans uit om de aangereikte kennis in jezelf permanent levend te houden. Zo werd er ook aan jou gevraagd om minstens eenmaal per dag aan zelfherinnering te doen, zelfs indien het telkenmale amper één seconde in beslag neemt.
En ja: tweemaal per dag is véél beter, waardoor die ene seconde tot twee, drie, vier, vijf, et cetera, kan uitgroeien; dit, vanwege het eenvoudige feit dat je de lat ondertussen veel hoger aan het leggen bent, automatisch.
In een lezing, daterend uit 1946, werd er het volgende over dit thema verteld...
"In this Work the Will-part of us must be affected with love of what the intellectual part knows and believes. We realize through self-observation that we do not will what we know. The Emotional Centre is the seat of the Will, the Intellectual Centre is the seat of what we know, and according to the diagrams of the Work the intellectual part of us is the seat of consciousness. We have, in this diagram to which I am referring: Consciousness put in the top compartment, Will put in the second, and Attention in this third, or lowest compartment. On one occasion it was said that no one can keep his aim in the Work unless Consciousness, Will and Attention co-operate. When a man makes an aim he usually makes it from a small side of himself: his knowledge, and very soon forgets it - that is: ceases to be conscious of it. He makes his aim from knowledge. But he is not sufficiently conscious of his aim to maintain it. In the meantime his will - i.e.: his several wills - go in different and opposite directions and his attention is scattered in endless ways. The combination of Consciousness, Will and Attention is not achieved.
We spoke recently of what it means to put the feeling of 'I' into the Work. In what sense can any of you say that you have a feeling of 'I' in this Work? What do you mean by it? And how often are you during the day aware of this feeling of 'I' as something quite distinct from the ordinary changing feelings of 'I' that we have in our general affairs of life?
We are given the task of remembering ourselves at least once or twice a day. Do you find this is possible - or, is it merely a matter of memory without anything real resulting? To remember oneself means to get into a quite different state in oneself. A different feeling of 'I' belongs to this state, because it is a lifting up of consciousness to a higher level - that is: out of the so-called waking state or second state of consciousness that we have in ordinary affairs which is peopled by small 'I's. To remember oneself something of Will must be contributed to the action. It is not a thought, nor can it be a matter of mere memory.
Now I may remember that I have to remember myself but not actually remember myself - that is: it remains a question of memory and nothing more. This is a common state to be in. All the same I may attribute merit to myself in having remembered that I should remember myself. It is like remembering that you must write that letter and feeling meritorious at remembering and not writing the letter. You must need to remember yourself in order to do so and when need comes in Will comes in - that is: I desire to remember myself, I wish to remember myself. There is a sentence that used to be given to us to say in the earlier Work: "I wish to remember myself". This is nothing to do with: "I think I should remember myself." A great deal of one's personal work is spent in thinking and not doing what we think. The Will-part of us is not involved and so we go back to the opening phrase: "The Will-part of us must be affected with love of what the intellectual part knows and believes."
This marriage between the intellect and the Will so often spoken of in esoteric literature of the past is indicated in this Work by the teaching that there must be a union between new Knowledge and Being before any new understanding is born in a man. From Knowledge alone we can and do make many intellectual decisions - in fact: we constantly make them - but all this takes place in only one centre, the Intellectual Centre, and the Emotional Centre is not involved. We have all heard how this Work must be received first by the intellect and how first of all it must be registered in the most mechanical side of the Intellectual Centre - i.e.: the formatory part. Unless the Work is well registered here it remains weak, like imperfect French. But it will remain inoperative unless a person thinks about the ideas and applies them to his own Being."
En ja, zoals gewoonlijk tref je de rest van deze lezing ergens in de rubriek 'Eclecticus' aan.

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