Beste eclecticus,
Er bestaan evenveel psychologiën als filosofieën en als je het geheel ervan wil kennen, dien je enkel de raakpunten met elkaar te verbinden en de tegengestelden ver uit elkaar te houden. Maar ja: dat is onbegonnen werk, puur tijdverlies zelfs.
Anderzijds is het logisch dat geen enkele psychologie op de gewone, mechanisch ingestelde mens van toepassing kan zijn. Ik bedoel: de mens, bestaande uit talrijke persoonlijkheden en honderdtallen ikjes. Nu is hij/zij deze, en binnen enkele seconden/minuten gedraagt hij/zij zich totaal anders. Zeg, bijvoorbeeld, maar eens iets dat niet strookt met de inhoud van zijn/haar brein...
Zo zou men elke persoonlijkheid en elk ondergeschikt ikje moeten kunnen bestuderen, om dan van elke mens met-ter-tijd zijn eigen 'Psychologisch Handboek' te kunnen samenstellen. Eveneens onbegonnen werk, nietwaar? Herlees maar eens de tekst over 'De Zichtbare Onzichtbare Mens'...
Daarom doe je er beter aan om in plaats van over psychologie te spreken het woordje 'mechanica' te gebruiken. Zo staat er op Eclecticus een tekst over waarvan hieronder een kort fragment...
"... But this machine – oneself - is not really oneself. In the grip of it we lead the most stupid and even idiotic lives. The Work is to awaken us to a new behaviour, apart from this stereotyped machine-behaviour.
An ordinary machine-man has no psychology. Gurdjieff said once, in so many words: "Why speak of ordinary man asleep as having a psychology? An ordinary man asleep is a machine, with buffers, attitudes, and pictures of himself, that remain the same. For such a man, a man asleep, a man not conscious, to use the word psychology is absurd. He has no psychology. He is a machine - and for the study of machines only mechanics is necessary. But if a man begins to struggle with his machine, if he begins to see he is asleep in this acquired machinery, then such a man begins to cease to be this machine that life and upbringing has made him and then, in such a case, we might begin to speak of psychology and not mere mechanics."
One definition of this Work is: "The preparation of lower centres for the reception of the influences coming from Higher Centres. All that this Work teaches practically – namely: self-observation, non-identifying, Self-Remembering, not making internal accounts, not internally considering, not justifying, not going with negative 'I's, not being depressed, making Personality (especially False Personality) passive, separating from negative states, breaking buffers, destroying pictures, seeing ingrained attitudes, and not accepting them, stopping wrong imaginations, in fact: all that this Work teaches, is to purify lower centres for the hearing of Higher Centres. When a man wishes to keep in touch with this Work which really means to keep in touch with any moments of insight or Self-Remembering that he has had, from Higher Centres, then he begins to have a psychology."
I then began to understand that when Gurdjieff spoke of a man who had a psychology and not merely a machinery, he meant a man who had begun to strive to reach a higher level of himself and that all this Work is exactly about this – namely: to get in touch with this higher side in him and find out by personal experience what cuts him off and what increases his contact with this higher level. Then I better understood the Work-phrase used in connection with a question: "What is right and what is wrong?" The answer was, and is: "All that puts you more asleep and makes you identify more is wrong: all that awakens you is right."

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