Beste eclecticus,
Van zodra je aan Zelfkennis begon te doen, begon je als het ware in twee werelden te leven - want, je bleef omgaan met de mensen om je heen, waardoor de slaapatmosfeer waarin zij zijn gehuld jou eveneens verder deed inslapen.
Over 'bewustzijn' staat er in Eclecticus de zoveelste tekst uit 1947, waarvan hieronder een kort fragment...
"If the whole world were properly conscious all wars, political lies and so on would cease. Can you catch a glimpse of what it might mean to live amongst more conscious people? Can you see why you cannot? Can you see that an increase of consciousness, which is the goal of the Work, and which begins by making yourself more conscious of yourself to yourself by self-observation, would lead to an entirely different life?"
"On one occasion Mr. Ouspensky was speaking of the various attempts made by the Conscious Circle of Humanity to raise mankind to a higher level of Being. He said in so many words: "But for the work done on mankind by conscious men we would be nothing but barbarians. Always behind culture is the threat of barbarism and always conscious men are sowing, at intervals, influences into the world to lift Man above the state of barbarism. These efforts take different outer forms, and can only be given at times, but always are the same eventually." He said Gurdjieff had spoken of teachings in the past based on faith, on hope and on love. Gurdjieff had said: "All these systems have had their influence on mankind at different periods of history. Faith, hope and love have all been tried. But if you were to ask me about this system, I would answer you by saying that it is based on consciousness. In this system that I teach the emphasis is not on faith, or hope, or love, but on consciousness. For this reason I begin by saying that Man is not yet conscious, although he believes he is. He believes he is conscious. He believes that all he does and says is done and said in a full state of consciousness. But this is not the case. Western psychology, as contrasted with Eastern psychology, starts from the idea that Man as he is is fully conscious and that there is no further state of consciousness possible for him. This is where Western psychology is at fault. A man, as he is, is not fully conscious. What he calls consciousness is not, in any sense, consciousness. From the standpoint of the system that I teach, Man is in the illusion that he is already conscious, whereas actually he is in a state of sleep and he lives his whole life in a state of sleep."
At some other time Gurdjieff spoke of hope as a basis of teaching. "People", he said, in so many words, "may base themselves on hope. They hope for after-life, or they hope that some promised Messiah will come and do everything for them. But they do all this in a state of sleep. They do not understand that all real teaching about Man and his possibilities refers to the actual state of Man now - as he is and what he can become - and not to some future state or some eventual progress. For that reason if you ask me what this Work promises, I will answer you by saying that it promises nothing. A man must begin by realizing what he actually is now."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
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