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Relational God and Salvation

Jae Youn Kim

Relational God and Salvation Type: Paperback
Uitgever: Kok
Gewicht: Onbekend
Aantal Pagina's: 234
ISBN: 90-435-1538-8
ISBN-13: 978-90-435-1538-2
Categorie: Protestantisme
Richtprijs: € 19,95

Korte Inhoud

The doctrine of the Trinity is undergoing somewhat of a revival. In the past few decades, exploring the triunity of God has developed into one of the most popular theological pursuits. The social doctrine of the Trinity is the major utterance in this contemporary revival of the doctrine of the Trinity.

The recent social trinitarian theology can be designated as a "practice-driving" doctrine, in the sense that it does not limit its interest only to the knowledge of God but explores all the areas of the Christian life, even all creation. In Relational God and Salvation, the main focus lies in this practical and soteriological aspect of the recent social doctrine ofTrinity. The main question is what the soteriological implications are in the recent social doctrine of the Trinity. Under this main question three points are intended: who or what is the triune God?; how are the doctrine of the triune God and the doctrine of our salvation related to each other?; how can salvation be realized in the actual life of human and non-human beings? In order to survey these questions, three social trinitarian theologians are examined: Jürgen Moltmann, Catherine LaCugna and Colin Gunton. This book will help to an accurate and fruittul understanding of the soteriological aspect of the doctrine of the Trinity.

- Voor de uitgave van dit proefschrift is steunt verleend door de stichting 'Afbouw'.


Blz. 156: Evaluation and Conclusion

What is the implication of the knowledge of the triune God for the life and being of non-divine being? This was the underlying question in examining the doctrines of three theologians in the camp of the recent social doctrine of the Trinity in the previous chapters. In this chapter, an effort will be given to evaluate the ideas of the social trinitarian theology on the basis of an analysis of these three theologians.

In the first phase of this analysis, the focus was on the doctrine of the Trinity itself which the three theologians maintain. The cornerstone on which they build their trinitarian theology is considering the traditional, existing doctrines of the Trinity. Through this process, they find problems and deficienties and gain influential insights for their new formulations. Although their discussions about the doctrine of the Trinity are guided and developed from the existing doctrines, they attempt to develop their own program on this subject. First, their new insights are mainly concerned with the being of the triune God. In order to characterize their view of the being of God, several concepts are employed. What must be emphasized is that their endeavor to find concept(s) for the being of the triune God which is a lasting contribution, does not remain only as relevant for the doctrine of God, but is pertinent to their interest in practical areas, that is to say, the areas of life of human and non-human being.

In the second phase of the analysis in the preceding three chapters, I surveyed the diverse soteriological implications which can be drawn from the doctrine of the triune God they develop. It can be said that the characteristic of the social doctrine of the Trinity also lies on the emphasis of these two points, that is, the focus on (concepts of) the being of God and on the soteriological implications drawn from the understanding of the triune God. These two focal points are deeply related to each other in the views of social trinitarian theologians, at least in the three theologians described in this study.

So far, I have presented the points which will be the topics of the first part of the evaluation in section 5.2. First, I will consider the social doctrine of the Trinity in view of its evaluation of the existing doctrine of the Trinity.

This will be the starting point and at the same time a cornerstone in the process of evaluation. The most emphasized point in their evaluation is the importante of salvation history in relation to the doctrine of the Trinity. These topics will be treated under the discussion titled, "The triune God in relation to the history of salvation" (5.2.1). Then the two focal points regarding the social doctrine of the Trinity, that is to say, the (concept of) ontology of God and its soteriological implications will be examined in the framework of "the ontology of the triune God" (5.2.2), and "the relationship between the (ontology of) the triune God and non-divine being" (5.2.3).

After the first part of the evaluation, which will concentrate on the views of the three theologians, attention will be given to two basic studies: "The Cappadocian Fathers (5.3)" and "a short biblical reflection (5.4)." The doctrine of the three Cappadocian Fathers, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa, was one of the important factors which stimulated the renaissance of trinitarian theology. As was seen, their views, especially about the concept of God, play, in general, a role in the doctrine of three theologians I have treated. Attention to their doctrine in the recent doctrine of the Trinity has been intensified through the dialogue between the Western and the Orthodox churches, in that Western theology finds a kind of mirror in the Orthodox tradition to re-examine her own tradition. Some influential Orthodox theologians, such as Zizioulas, try to renew and redefine their own tradition and so contribute to the discussion. The central point of the three Cappadocian Fathers, to which most of the recent trinitarian theologians give attention, is their understanding and use of "ousia" and "hypostasis" for the being of God. Instead of considering their complete doctrinal views, I will try to give a short sketch of the Cappadocians' concept of ousia and hypostasis and its soteriological intention for the purpose of my study.

In the last part, I intend to review the main topic mentioned above from biblical texts. This is a process of short reflection on the points which have been already discuseed and is not intended as a direct and a final statement about this subject matter. It presupposes that the Scripture has a fundamental and normative character for the knowledge of God and of our life. In this biblical consideration, two Bible texts will be treated on the following subjects: "the relational ontology of God and ours" ("They may be one just as We are one": John 17:11, 21-23), and "the nature of our spiritual life" ("The Spirit is life", Romans 8:10)).


door Tsenne Kikke
Het werk van Christus op aarde en in de hemel als geheel is niets anders dan de gelijke samenwerking van de drie-enige God. De Heilige Geest is ook 'zaligmakende Heere', die redding tot stand brengt. Redding is dus het werk van de Drie-eenheid.

Dat betoogt de Koreaanse theoloog Jae Youn Kim (1969) in zijn proefschrift 'Relational God and Salvation', dat gaat over het heilswerk van de drie-enige God. Kim promoveert woensdag in Kampen aan de universiteit van de Gereformeerde Kerken vrijgemaakt.

De promovendus constateert in de theologie een hernieuwde belangstelling voor de leer van de drie-eenheid van God. De belangrijkste stroming is de sociale triniteitsleer. Die gaat uit van drie afzonderlijke goddelijke Personen, hun eenheid en de betekenis daarvan voor de menselijke werkelijkheid.

Kim onderzocht de relatie tussen de heilsleer en de triniteitsleer van de theologen Moltmann, LaCugna en Gunton. Die stellen dat de menselijke werkelijkheid de goddelijke drie-eenheid moet weerspiegelen. Mensen moeten leven in sterke onderlinge verbondenheid met God, met elkaar en met de omgeving, omdat de drie goddelijke Personen ook zo met elkaar omgaan.

Volgens Kim zijn Moltmann, LaCugna en Gunton 'al redenerend' het juiste zicht op het verlossende werk van God in de heilshistorie kwijtgeraakt. De weerspiegeling van wie God is in het leven van mensen neemt in hun werk een te grote plaats in, stelt hij. "Ze besteden te weinig aandacht aan het feit waardoor deze weerspiegeling mogelijk is: door het samenwerkende heilswerk van de drie-enige God. Dát is de kern van de verlossingleer."

Kim betoogt dat de Vader, de Zoon en de Heilige Geest samenwerken in het heil. Ook de Heilige Geest brengt redding tot stand.

Het is geen gemakkelijke literatuur. Het boek is in de Engelse taal, maar geheel achteraan treft men een Nederlandstalige Samenvatting aan.
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