Sommige mensen geloven in het bestaan van een Bijbelse God, namelijk: in de steenoude man, met de bestraffende wijsvinger, een lange witte baard, en gehuld in een smetteloos, spierwit kleed. Anderen geloven dan weer in aliens en in ufo's, komende van andere planeten, en dan heb je nog mensen die in de krachten van 'Yellow Bamboo' geloven. Ooit van gehoord?...
Toegegeven, indien je niet beter weet én lichtgelovig bent, zullen onderstaande filmpjes jou vrij snel overtuigen van hoe ongelooflijk wonderbaarlijk het is. Het is dan ook om die reden dat er mensen zijn die op de menselijke verbeeldingswereld inspelen en er centjes aan verdienen. Naar het schijnt heeft 'Yellow Bamboo' in deze knettergekke wereld meer dan 30.000 volgelingen...
De Balinese Nyoman Serengen is er de stichter van, en - naar het schijnt - is hij recentelijk overleden. De aanhangers van 'Yellow Bamboo' gebruiken 'de krachten van het universum', die men in zichzelf kan opnemen, waardoor ze zichzelf zowel kunnen verdedigen als genezen. Sommige durven zelfs openlijk beweren dat ze ermee kunnen leviteren.
'Yellow Bamboo' beweert op Witte Magie gebaseerd te zijn. Het is een soort van martiale sport, zogezegd gericht op zelfontwikkeling, verdediging en healing. Beoefenaars ervan beweren dus dat ze de chi energie gebruiken om aanvallen af te weren en aanvallers te ontwapenen, zonder iemand aan te raken. Jij hoeft dit natuurlijk niet te geloven, maar - zoals ik reeds vermeldde: meer dan 30.000 volgelingen doen het wél.
Ik vernoem geen namen, maar ik schreef enkele maanden geleden iemand aan die 'Yellow Bamboo' in België promoot. In mijn e-mail schreef ik zoiets als: "Indien jij me kunt bewijzen dat je in staat bent uit te voeren wat je promoot, dan schrijf ik mezelf onmiddellijk voor die cursus in". Je kunt het al raden: nooit verkreeg ik er een antwoordje op, maar ondertussen blijft hij wel 'Yellow Bamboo' aan lichtgelovigen voor een zacht prijsje aanbieden.
Onderstaande videoclips laten zowel de effectiviteit evenals de ineffectiviteit ervan zien. Nyoman Serengen kende het fenomeen toe aan de kracht van de Almachtige God én aan de godheden van 'Yellow Bamboo', die als tussenpersonen optreden.
De traingen zijn niet mals ..., en helemaal onderaan heb ik een tekst afgedrukt van Levels 1A en 1B, inclusief de mantra's.
Op het internet kan men de ervaringen van sommige mensen lezen, waaronder:
"Na introductie gingen we snel naar het plaatselijke strand om aan meditatie te doen en om mantra's te zingen. De volgende dag deden we een volle maan ceremonie. We moesten verschillende energieën aantrekken en de hypnotische trance waarin ik me bevond, voelde aangenaam aan. Dan gingen we naar een private tempel, ergens in de bergen, en begonnen 's avonds te mediteren. Die mediatie duurde de gehele nacht tot 6 uur 's morgens. Ikzelf verkreeg verscheidene visioenen.
De daaropvolgende dag moesten we van 6 uur 's morgens tot 6 uur 's morgens van de daaropvolgende dag vasten. We kregen slechts een klein beetje rijst te eten en water te drinken. De volgende dag begon de training, enzovoorts..."
'Yellow Bamboo' kent verscheidene 'levels', of niveaus. Indien je daarin belang stelt, kan je hieronder, na de filmpjes, het een en ander over Level 1 lezen, dat ik van het internet heb geplukt...
Allemaal indrukwekkend, maar: Yellow Bamboo versus Werkelijkheid
Je moet er wél in geloven, zoals je uit de mond van George Dillman kunt horen na de vijfde minuut..., anders werkt het niet.
Volgens mij heeft James Randi het bij het rechte eind. Zeer veel mensen zijn schapen, en schapen dienen slechts voor 3 dingen: om geschoren te worden, om te worden uitgemolken - en, hoe goed de herder ook is: ... om uiteindelijk te worden geslacht.
Gurdjieff voegde eraan toe dat de schaapmensen niet wensen te ontwaken, gewoonweg omdat de slaap zo aangenaam aanvoelt. Hierna volgt dan het beloofde... Iets voor jou, misschien?
Yellow Bamboo Outline Level 1
Concept: Open your mind to the belief that Yellow Bamboo can help you and to make contact with the power of the universe and bring that power inside you.
Pasupati (initiation) ceremony: When you first start Yellow Bamboo you do the pasupati (initiation) ceremony. You do the ceremony also every time you go up a level. While the singing is going on you open the top of your head and feel the white light power of the universe coming into your body. If you can, do the ceremony the night of the full moon.
Fast: 24 hours from 6AM the day after the pasupati ceremony till 6AM the next day only white rice and water. Before you eat the rice, ask the power of the universe to give you nourishment from the rice.
Mantra/Pranayama: The first time you do these Mantram you do them anytime between 8PM till midnight for minimum 5 minutes each one. Thereafter you do each mantra minimum 5 minutes each one every day:
LEVEL 1 MANTRAM - A: ANG ANG ANG NGADEG CHAKRA GNI MERAH RING BHUANA ALIT (Fire, fire, fire, let my body open and red fire rise from my belly.)
You say the mantram silently to yourself and take a 1/3 of a breath, allow the fire to rise. Say the mantra silently to yourself once more and take a 1/3 of a breath and allow the fire to rise. Say it once more and inhale as before. Hold the breath for as long as you can comfortably and imagine the red fire expanding to fill the room, the city, the country, the world and the universe. Purse your lips and blow out all the breath while you keep and maintain the fire inside and repeat again.
LEVEL 1 MANTRAM - B: BAMBU KUNING, BAMBU KUNING, BAMBU KUNING YANG KUPAKAI BIDANKU HIDUP. (Allow the power of Yellow Bamboo to live inside of me.)
You say the mantram silently to yourself and take 1/3 of a breath inhale allow the power of yellow bamboo to live inside of you. Say the mantra silently to yourself once more and allow the power of yellow bamboo to live inside of you. Say it once more and inhale as before. Hold the breath for as long as you can comfortably and imagine the yellow bamboo expanding to fill the room, the city, the country, the world and the universe. Purse your lips and blow out all the breath while you maintain the light inside and repeat again.
Level 1 Exercises: You do these exercises minimum 3 times a week. 10 repetitions each.
Level 1 Exercise Position 1:
Begin by reciting quietly the first mantra ANG ANG ANG NGADEG CHAKRA GNI MERAH RING BHUANA ALIT (Fire, fire, fire, let my body open and red fire rise from my belly.) three times and continue to repeat the mantra even as you do the movements. Start with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands forming a circle over your navel with your right hand on top. This is the beginning position.
Take a deep breath and exhale with a loud sigh as you drop down your hands palm up to the sides.
The most important point in the exercise is to look at your body and see your soul not your body. See the luminous being that you are.
Now turn your palms over face down and bring your hands up and together and cross your palms in front of your face. First watch your right hand. Next watch your left hand as the hands cross. Finally as your right hand goes out to the side follow the right hand with your eyes. Extend your hands out to the side palms facing up. Now turn your head to the left.
Now look up to the sky and bring your hands together. Begin to repeat the mantram Bambu Kuning, Bambu Kuning, Bambu Kuning Yang Kupakai Bidanku Hidup. Inhale through your nose while you imagine the red fire rising from your stomache. Continue to bring your hands together into a prayer position and bring them down in front of you. Make fist of your hands and hold them at the side. This is called the rest position.
From the rest position push your hands out in front of you, make your hands like dragon claws and imagine you are pushing something very heavy. The energy is coming out all five fingers, the palm of your hand, the top of your head, your whole body and focused at a distance. Purse your lips and exhale very hard. Allow the power to flow up from your stomach and out of your hands. Once finished go back to the beginning position. Repeat 10 times.
Level 1 Exercise Position 2
Position 2 begins just like Position 1 until you get to the rest position. From the rest position turn your head and hands upward, make your hands like dragon claws and push as hard as you can up towards the sky as if you are lifting something very heavy. Purse your lips and blow very hard as you push upward. Allow the power to flow up from your stomach and out of your hands, your fingertips etc. Once finished go back to the beginning position. Repeat 10 times.
Level 1 Exercise Position 3
Position 3 begins just like Position 1 until you get to the rest position. From the rest position turn your head and hands downward, make your hands like dragon claws and push as hard as you can down towards the ground as if you are pushing something very heavy. Purse your lips and blow very hard as you push downward and squat trying to get your anus to touch the ground. Allow the power to flow up from your stomach and out of your hands. Once finished go back to the beginning position. Repeat 10 times.
Level 1 Exercise Position 4
Position 4 begins just like Position 1 until you get to the rest position. From the rest position cross and lock your hands in front of you with the left hand on the top. Next pull your hands apart and stand up as high as you can as if you are wrapped up in a chain and breaking free. Once finished go back to the beginning position. Repeat 10 times and on the last repetition when you break the chains take all the energy you have built up and let go with the biggest, loudest scream you can and next do the “test of power” before you finish with Savasahna.
Level 1 Test of Power (Internal and external) : Do every time you do the exercises. Do this after the Step 1 - 4 exercises but before the Savasahna meditation. After the exercises you test the amount of power you have built up.
Internal Test of power: The first few times you do this test you may want to do it from a seated position as it is not uncommon for people to fall down and pass out while testing power. After you get the hang of it and have developed control you can try it standing up.
You have already done the mantra exercise and saved the mantra power in your stomach. Now that you have done the step 1 through 4 exercises, you have also pulled in energy through the top of your head and brought it down into your stomach. Imagine that these two energies are mixing together in your stomach to form a very powerful energy. It is like the external power enters you and adds to the fire just as if you were adding gasoline.
Begin seated or standing with your hands over your stomach. Repeat quietly the Mantram ANG ANG ANG NGADEG CHAKRA GNI MERAH RING BHUANA ALIT over and over again. Continue with this mantra as you exhale the arms down and across and up just like in the beginning of the step 1 through 4 exercises. When your hands are out to the side begin saying the Mantram BAMBU KUNING BAMBU KUNING BAMBU KUNING YANG KUPAKAI BIDANKU HIDUP Look right then left and bring your hands together over your head and bring them down in front of you.
When your hands are level with your head bring them about 1 foot apart, using the dragon claws. Inhale deeply and exhale hard through pursed lips while you imagine the energy flowing out of your stomach through your hands.
Push your hands together without touching and feel the energy flowing out of your hands and bouncing/pushing them apart. It is almost like you are pushing two magnets together which are repelling each other (or pushing a balloon together) and bouncing apart. Push them together and let the energy bounce them apart faster and faster until you lose control and the energy takes over. It may take a few tries but eventually you will get it.
Savasahna Meditation: Do every time you do the exercises and tests of power regardless of your level plus anytime you feel like it.
1. Lay on your back with your legs open and your hands at your side palms facing up.
2. Tense your entire body and then systematically relax each part of your body. IE Relax your feet, calves, legs, buttocks, entire back, stomach, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, head, the sexual organs, entire reproductive system, anus, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and brain.
3. Now imagine you are peeling the skin off of your body like a snake shedding its skin. Start with the feet and go up the body. Visualize the skin underneath white and clean.
4. At this step ask forgiveness from your creator for any misdeeds or harm you have ever caused. Ask forgiveness for your entire body. IE ask forgiveness for your feet, calves, legs etc.
5. Now imagine your body is disappearing. Start with your feet and work upward until your entire body has disappeared. You see yourself flying up into the sky all dressed in white.
6. Now as you are flying high in the sky look down at the beauty and splendor of the earth. See everything so beautiful, the mountains, oceans trees etc. Think back to any bad things you may have done in the past and feel very sorry for it because you have done something to harm this beautiful world. Promise yourself not to do such bad things in the future.
7. One more time ask forgiveness and promise you will do your best to do only good.
8. Now think of one person in the world who you would like to help. Ask the creator for this person to have whatever you would like to ask for them.
9. Now imagine you are meeting your creator. Imagine the meeting to be so pleasant and full of joy and happiness.
10. Ask your creator for whatever you would like to ask whatever it is that you want.
11. Imagine and feel that you have gotten exactly what you have asked for. Thank your creator and fly down to your body with the gift you now have.
12. Imagine coming closer to your body and entering in through the top of your head and allow the energy to strengthen all of your body.
13. When you do this meditation full of respect and seriously you will really get something special.
Healing - The Yellow Bamboo healing is a 4 step process.
1. Prayer: Pray to the creator to allow you to heal the person.
2. Burn: Put your right hand on the afflicted area. Repeat quietly the Mantram ANG ANG ANG NGADEG CHAKRA GNI MERAH RING BHUANA over and over again. Imagine the energy you have stored in your stomach from doing the mantra exercises. Imagine this energy coming up your body and out of your right hand. Imagine this energy burning out the bad energy or poison. Sometimes you and the person you are healing will feel heat emanating from your hand. Do this for a minimum of 10 minutes.
3. Remove: Put your right hand on the afflicted area. Inhale deeply. Now pull away from the afflicted area while you purse your lips together and blow out hard. Imagine you are pulling out the bad energy. It will kind of feel like pulling against a rubber band. Inhale deeply and blow out hard through pursed lips and now push that bad energy into the ground and touch the ground with your hand.
4. Protect: Hold your right hand 6 inches away from the afflicted area. Inhale deeply and purse your lips and blow out hard while moving your hands in a clockwise circular motion. Do the circular motion 11 times. For extra special protection do the circular motion 11 X 11 times. Imagine the energy you have stored in your stomach from the mantra exercises coming up your body and out of your right hand
Healing from a distance
If you cannot be physically present to heal the person you may do so at a distance. Visualize the person in front of you and follow the steps 1-4 above as if they were really in front of you.
Protection of property or person: There is a 2 step process to protect a person or property.
1. Pray: Pray to the creator asking them to allow you to protect the person or thing.
2. Protect: Hold your right hand 6 inches away from the person or object you want to protect. Inhale deeply and purse your lips and blow out hard while moving your hands in a clockwise circular motion. Do the circular motion 11 times. For extra special protection do the circular motion 11 X 11 times. Imagine the energy you have stored in your stomach from the mantra exercises coming up your body and out of your right hand.
Protection of property or person from a distance
If you cannot be physically present, imagine the person or object in front of you and follow steps 1 and 2 above.
Summary Level 1
So to summarize a days practice would begin with 5 minute each mantra repetition of two mantras. Next would come the four basic exercises repeated 10 times each. Next would be the level 1 internal and external “Tests of Power” followed by the savasana meditation. You should practice the Mantram minimum 5 minutes each one every day. You should practice the exercises, tests of power and savasana minimum of 3 times per week. You should train level one a minimum of 2 months before going to level 2. When you really feel your hands repelling away from each other you are ready to go to level 2.
De gehele spirituele wereld wordt door seceptici reeds meer dan genoeg in het belachelijke getrokken. Daarom voelde ik me genoodzaakt dit artikel te plaatsen. Of het mensen zal wakker maken en ogen openen?... Ik betwijfel het. Want, als ze niet aan Yellow Bamboo doen, doen velen wél aan iets soortgelijks.