Reeds eerder maakte ik gewag van het feit dat de persoonlijkheidstypen, die via het enneagramsymbool in boeken beschreven worden, de moeite waard zijn om te worden bestudeerd..., zolang je maar rekening houdt dat die zogenaamde 'enneagramleer' niets te maken heeft met de leerstellingen van George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff.
Indien je daar meer over de weet wenst te komen, raad ik jou, onder andere, het boek van de hand van John G. Bennett aan, getiteld: 'De verborgen rijkdom van het enneagram'; waarvan er momenteel eentje als tweedehands op de DIMschool Webshop wordt aangeboden. Het is de Nederlandstalige vertaling van 'Enneagram Studies'. Het aankopen kan via deze link.
Meerdere hoeven we niet aan te bieden, omdat het misschien één op de 100.000 Spiritualia bezoekers zou kunnen interesseren. Iedereen die het zou lezen, zou er wel uit kunnen opmaken dat, indien men het enneagram in tweeën verdeeld (zie Figuur 11), men zou kunnen beseffen dat de zogenaamde massamens zijn geheel leven lang in het rechtergedeelte verblijft en het linkergedeelte door slechts enkelingen wordt nagestreeft. Anders gezegd: H48 vindt geen doorgang.
Ook vermeldde ik reeds eerder dat de mens slechts twee van de vier bewustzijnstoestanden kent, zijnde: de slaap en datgene wat men 'wakend bewustzijn' noemt.
Wat gebrek aan interesse betreft: neem, bijvoorbeeld, onderstaand uittreksel uit de Engelse uitgave...
Man as a Transformer of Energy
When is it possible to use this symbol as an instrument of understanding and interpretation? Is it possible to apply the Enneagram to any and every kind of situation? Certainly not so. It is applicable only to situations that have a structure which allows the three different kinds of processes to act upon one another. To those which have this special form, Gurdjieff gives the name 'Cosmos'. Cosmos does not just mean something which is ordered, it means that which is ordered and organized in a purposeful way. The Enneagram is the symbol of a cosmos and it can be used for interpreting situations which are cosmoses or those which have a cosmic structure. One way in which a cosmos can be described is to say that it is a self-contained, self-acting entity within this world. It has a certain degree of independence, and is able to have this independence for no other reason than that it is working through the combination of three processes.
The first cosmos that Man should study is himself. There are three ways in which we are in contact with the world and it is useful to stop and reflect on these three. We are obviously in contact with the world through our senses and in the ordinary way one would say that that is our whole contact. It is through seeing, hearing, touching and smelling that we relate ourselves to the world. But what about breathing? That is by no means so obvious. If you remember that Gurdjieff so often likes to speak of "breathing creatures", "other breathing creatures like ourselves" and "all breathing creatures", it is clear that for him, the significance of breath is never far away. Breath is a way in which we are in communication with the world. It is not simply that without breath we die. There is also a hidden role of breath, in which the air...
Thirdly, there is the food we eat. This food brings us into contact with the world in a quite different way from the other two sources. The food we eat is a sharing of life. We are in contact with life-force through the food we eat. There is no inner contact with anything more passive than food such as substances like wood or stone which cannot be digested. We are in contact with them only through what we see and touch, but not with their own being as we are with the food which we assimilate into ourselves or the air which we breathe. By reflecting on all that, and it needs a lot of reflection, one can have a feeling of what our cosmic nature is. When eating meals it is particularly useful to be aware of how these three points of contact with the world are present in us, perhaps even to see what it really means that there is no other contact than these: no other exchange or commerce with the world except through our senses, the air we breathe and the food we eat. This is one characteristic of a cosmos: that it has this threefold contact with other modes of existence other than itself, with other cosmoses similar to it, as we people have contact with one another and with other cosmic forms, such as other forms of life or with the planets and the stars. When we enter into detailed study of the transformation of man and we ask what happens in this cosmos so that existence can be maintained and what work is required to be done by it and how it can serve the purpose of its existence, then we shall see the process working.

Fig. 11: Food enneagram
According to Gurdjieff's classification into twelve categories of substances starting with formless matter H 3702, the food we eat is H 768. When it enters into the body and has passed through the outer membrane it becomes H 384. It then has the density of vibration, as he says, of water. It goes through transformation in the liver and acquires the density of air. It then enters into the blood and acquires the density of fire, free energy or electrical energy. When it passes the middle line, between points four and five, it enters the domain of spiritualization. At point five, it has the qualities of experience that we call thought and feeling. In the next stage, it takes on the property of being experienced as itself as well as giving experience of the world that I refer to as 'sensitive energy.' This state of personal consciousness, H 24, gives one the power, for example, of knowing that one is thinking and not just thinking automatically. At point seven, H 12, there is what I call real consciousness, or an awareness of "I". H 12 is not restricted to the personal focus of H 24. H 6, point eight, is still more unrestricted, passing beyond the boundaries of all existence.
On the right hand side of the diagram is the blood circulation and, on the left, are the nervous system and the ductless glands. Between H 384 and H 192, the bloodstream passing through the liver acts on the food. Thus, between points two and three is the alimentary system. At H 192, air enters as a second do and, at point six, H 24 plays an analogous role, sometimes referred to as impressions.

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