Beste eclecticus,
In de Eclecticus tekst, getiteld 'Accident and fate' worden de volgende woorden van Jezus aangehaald: "Denk niet, dat Ik vrede ben komen brengen op aarde; Ik ben geen vrede komen brengen, maar het zwaard. Tweedracht ben Ik komen brengen tussen een man en zijn vader, tussen dochter en moeder, schoondochter en schoonmoeder; en iemands huisgenoten zullen zijn vijanden zijn." Mattëus Hfst. 10, verzen 34-36.
Woorden, waarvan ik vermoed dat geen enkele gewone mens ze écht begrijpt... Maar, dat hoeft ook niet. Wat zou hij/zij tenslotte met dat be-grijp-en daarna aanvangen?...
Hieronder een klein fragment uit de aangehaalde tekst de dato november 1947 ...
"From one point of view the Personality can be thought of as the outer man and the Essence as the inner man. We know that in the growth of a child Personality gradually surrounds active Essence and becomes active, while Essence becomes passive. This first state of development usually persists throughout life and is sufficient for life- purposes. But a further development is possible and it is of this further development that esotericism always speaks, and that this system speaks.
It consists in a reversal. In fragments of past literature coming from schools connected with fully developed - that is: conscious Man - you will often find references to some reversal that is necessary before Man reaches full development. Man adjusted to life, Man with Personality active and grown, and Essence passive and ungrown, is not yet a fully developed Man according to esoteric teaching. A great deal of confusion arises in people's minds because this idea is not grasped distinctly. Life develops Man up to a point, but cannot bring about this reversal in him that leads to his further and full development.
In the brief condensed language of this system the reversal is formulated as consisting in making Personality passive and Essence active. Now education does not bring about this reversal. Education increases Personality and so moves Man further and further away from his Essence. Simple folk can live closer to Essence. It might be said that today the world is suffering from a wrong, one-sided development of Personality.
If a man is only developed in the outer side and has no inner development he is called in the Work a machine driven by outer life and its turning wheel of changing circumstances. Yet the Work also teaches that Man was created a self-developing organism and that full development consists in a development of Essence, or the internal man, further upon the first development of the Personality or outer man, which gives a relation to external life and its affairs. All esoteric teaching, such as that found in fragments in the Gospels, is clearly about the development of the internal man. Christ did not say he came to make everything nice and satisfactory on this Earth. He said: "Think not that I came to send peace on the Earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matt. X 34.)"

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