Beste Eclecticus,
Eén van de zaken waaraan we eveneens zouden moeten werken, is mechanisch spreken. Maar, vooraleer je daarover zult kunnen nadenken, moet je in de eerste plaats beseffen hoe mechanisch jij gesprekken voert. De woorden komen automatisch uit jouw mond, zonder daarvan bewust te zijn. In wezen ben jij het niet die dan aan het spreken is, maar eerder 'Het'. Eigenlijk zouden er twee in jezelf moeten zijn, namelijk: een observeerder en de geobserveerde.
Om jouw eigen mechaniciteit vast te stellen, zou je jezelf tijdens het spreken dus moeten kunnen observeren. En, zelfs indien je daarna jouw eigen mechanisch spreken zou toegeven, maar jouw emotiecentrum daarbij niet bij betrokken is, is die toegeving in wezen waardeloos. Anders gezegd: de waarheid ervan raakte jou niet - of, alleszins niet diep genoeg. Anderzijds zal je wel meer in staat zijn om de mechaniciteit van de medemens beter te begrijpen - en, die te aanvaarden. Tenslotte ben jij het die aan Zelfkennis doet, die andere persoon niet.
Over dit thema staat er nu in Eclecticus, onder andere, het volgende...
"The Work says much about the practice of Inner Silence. One must practice the sealing of oneself from oneself, as regards mechanical talking - the sealing of oneself from one's mechanical self, from mechanical talking, from scandal, bad talking, which makes it so difficult to seal oneself from oneself. The Work can only grow from what is sealed in oneself and protected from life.
If you do not accept the fact that you talk mechanically you will not be able to change it. You will say that you work against mechanical talking in yourself, that you always do your best not to talk mechanically, yet at the same time, if you can see what I mean, you are not necessarily accepting that you talk mechanically. You are still working from False Personality - therefore your work will be unreal.
Some people, Mr. Ouspensky once said, work all the time in a kind of dream. They do not really see, he added, what they are working on. For this reason he emphasized so much that we have to see this other side which we keep in darkness and do not properly accept.
As was explained, this is due to the curious action of buffers in us which prevents us from seeing what we are really like and what we have in ourselves. Things have to be driven home into us before we can find the strength really to see and change ourselves. That is why sometimes it is very useful to be told you talk mechanically. It becomes a shock, although in a sense you have admitted that you do, but you do not do anything about it.
When a person tells you that he knows quite well that he is a liar and admits it quite easily, you may be quite certain that he has not accepted the fact that he is a liar. If he really understood emotionally that he is a liar he would never mention it just like that. As I said, the action of buffers is very curious because it keeps us in a sort of half state. We both know and we do not know. But the actual fact has not yet been driven home into our consciousness that we are liars and lie practically every time we open our mouths. Just in the same way a man can acknowledge that he has many different 'I's in him, he may talk glibly about it all, but he does not yet accept it. He does not see emotionally that it is quite true that he is not one but many different people. In such a case the Work rests on the surface of such a person and has not yet penetrated and become real to him. He may say that he observes himself every day, but he is not really observing himself. He imagines he observes himself and so he lives in Imaginary 'I'."
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