Beste eclecticus,
De gewone mens heeft niets aan de woorden die tot de eclectici zijn gericht - gewoonweg, omdat hij ze nooit in de praktijk zal kunnen toepassen. En, nooit is nooit. Enerzijds heeft het dan ook geen zin om een zogenaamd 'geheim' verborgen te houden: men vangt er toch niets mee aan. Anderzijds doet men er goed aan 'de parels' niet aan iedereen aan te bieden. Je kunt er onbedoeld mensen mee kwetsen, waardoor hun onderliggende agressivitieit kan worden opgewekt.
Eerder begon ik een blog met de volgende woorden: "Moest de mens in staat zijn het animale deel in zichzelf te ontstijgen, en zich concentreren op een hogere vorm van bewustzijn, zouden er geen oorlogen meer kunnen bestaan. Tevens vraag ik me meermaals af of er nog mensen rondlopen wiens essentie nog levensvatbaar is. Natuurlijk kan niemand deze vraag voor zichzelf beantwoorden."
In een nieuwe tekst, daterend uit 1944, die zonet in de rubriek Eclecticus werd geplaatst, wordt aandacht besteed aan het thema 'Geweld'. Geweld, dat onbewust in het gewone denken op een meest onschuldige manier kan wordt aangekweekt. Hierna vind je er een uittreksel van...
"Ordinary history, as you know, is nothing much more than a history of crime and violence. If you open any book on history you will find nothing of esoteric history. On many occasions Mr. Ouspensky said to me that the overcoming of violence was our final aim and that all negative emotions which engender so many evil consequences not only among individual people but in a national sense spring from Man as violence. Now violence is not a thing that can be overcome right away like that. I will give you an example of what I would call the beginning of violence.
In the Sufi School of esotericism which came in after Mahomet and worked on the Koran and, in fact, gave an entirely different explanation of the Koran, there was a so-called mystical poet called Sadi. As a youth Sadi was very religious in the ordinary sense and on one occasion when the Koran was being read to a class he said to his father that he noticed that many of the boys went to sleep and he thought that this was very bad. His father said to him: “So all you have got from this reading of the Koran is nothing but finding fault with others. I assure you, my son, it would have been better if you had been asleep like those boys you criticized.
Now perhaps you will not see that this is the beginning of violence. Perhaps you do not see what I mean. Is intolerance the beginning of violence? Is feeling you are better than others the beginning of violence? If you feel that you are better than others, superior to others in the wrong way, do you think that this can bring about violence? Here lies a very deep research, a very long path of understanding. You remember the very old esoteric symbol of the lion with its paws cut off of which we made a plaster cast at Tyeponds which we put up in one of the rooms. I often wonder what the military who took over the place thought of this plaque.
Violence always comes from thinking one can do. Now violence always breeds violence. That means that everything you do from violence passes into the world both as a triad and as an octave that can only produce the reaction of violence. We see today violence up against violence everywhere. We see the Law 'a tooth for a tooth' exemplified in every direction. We see violence creating violence, violent machines creating new violent machines. Christ said: “Ye have heard it said of old time, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, Resist not him that is evil.”
It is impossible to understand this saying except on the scale of ourselves. On the scale of life it is a different matter as far as we are concerned. But on the scale of ourselves it is something that we can begin to comprehend practically once we understand that violence always arises from the feeling of superiority, that we are better than others. Sadi thought he was better than others. He congratulated himself on his virtue. You will always be violent if you feel intolerant of others in this wrong way, if you take it for granted that you are better. More consciously, you may see where you are better without feeling the violence of intolerance. Now later on I will speak about different esoteric schools, the remains of which are incorporated into surviving literature. But I will only add that all thinking one can do becomes violence very easily."

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