Beste eclecticus,
Je mag weten dat de tekst, getiteld 'Hoe zou Spiritualia's doelgroep er eventueel kunnen uitzien…?' met Maurice Nicoll's bewoordingen werd aangevuld, teneinde andere eclectici aan te trekken - of, mensen die aan Zelfkennis willen doen. Niet dat ze het kunnen be-grijp-en, maar het kan hen een 'voorsmaakje' geven van wat hen zal worden aangeboden. Wel moet ik toegeven dat ik uit Maurice Nicholl's originele tekst enkele zinnen heb weggelaten. Jij begrijpt wel het waarom ervan. Wat overbleef, is het volgende...
Maurice Nicoll: "In the teaching of this work mankind is not taken as being all on one and the same level. Man is divided into different categories. Quite different kinds of men exist. There is, first of all, the circle of mechanical humanity, as it is called, in which No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 men exist. They are respectively men in whom mainly one centre is used - the instinct-moving center in the case of No. 1 man, the emotional center in the case of No. 2 man and the intellectual center in the case of No. 3 man.
These instinct-moving men, emotional men and intellectual men, because they are mainly 'one-centred', see everything differently, each from one side, from one center. They form together the circle of mechanical humanity which is characterized by the fact that people belonging to this circle are based on violence and do not understand either themselves or one another. It is called sometimes the circle of 'confusion of tongues' or Babel, in which misunderstandings, quarrels, strife, persecutions, and war of every kind must always exist without leading to anything different. Next comes an intermediary circle formed of No. 4 man. This circle does not arise in life but as the result of work.
The much higher centers transmit influences to which mechanical humanity - that is, sleeping humanity - are insensitive, or rather, which they cannot 'hear'. It is from the circle of conscious humanity that B influences originate. But they originate, not as B influences, but as C influences. It is only when they are sown into mechanical life that they become B influences. This happens, because, as C influences, they cannot exist in mechanical life, but become changed and altered in such a way that they only approximate to their original form. Just as the ideas and emotional perceptions belonging to higher centres cannot be caught or understood by the formatory center - so, conscious teaching cannot exist in the sphere of mechanical life by itself. But it can be kept alive and transmitted by means of schools having a direct connection with people who have reached that degree of inner evolution and consciousness belonging to the circle of conscious humanity. In these schools, C influences can exist and be transmitted orally - that is: by oral teaching - from one person who understands, to another, who begins to understand, and so to another who does not yet understand. This chain must exist. And in such a case, these influences can be transmitted orally as C influences, handed on from one person to another."

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