Hoeveel maal heb ik het wel niet over bidden en gebed?...
Bidden is een Kunst en in feite enkel en alleen voor de ware, religieuze mens weggelegd: voor een échte priester, échte monnik, zelfs voor een zuivere, orthodoxe jood, en zo meer. Hieronder vind je uittreksel dat in Eclecticus werd geplaatst en sterk aanleunt bij mijn vorige blog met betrekking tot meditatie.
"In the teaching of the Work the idea of Prayer and the idea of Self-Remembering are so closely connected that the one cannot be separated from the other. Without Self-Remembering, Prayer is impossible. Let us look at what this means. A man as he is cannot pray. That is, a man in his ordinary daily state cannot pray. In order to pray a man must be in a state of Self-Remembering. To pray as one is, in one's ordinary state, is to pray in a state of sleep, and to pray in a state of sleep is useless. Nothing can happen. Such Prayer cannot be answered, because it does not get anywhere. Let us recall what is said about states of consciousness in the Work. Four states of consciousness are possible, but ordinarily Man knows and lives in only two, and both are called in the Work states of sleep.
The first state of consciousness or the lowest is that of bodily sleep, which is a passive state in which a person lies in bed almost without movement. In this state a man spends a third or even more of his life. The second state of consciousness is the state in which people spend the remaining part of their lives, in which they move their limbs and walk about and talk and also write books and take part in politics and kill one another, and this state they regard as active and call it "clear consciousness or the waking state of consciousness". It is not too much to say that the terms clear consciousness or waking state of consciousness seem to have been given in jest especially when, through your own self-observation, you begin to realize what clear consciousness ought in reality to be, and what the state in which a man lives and acts really is. For in this so-called waking state a man is neither conscious of himself nor conscious of another. He lives and dies in darkness. And it would be better for him in one way if he remained passive in the first state of consciousness for then he could not move about and kill his neighbour."

"Vind mensen, die in zichzelf zowel de motivatie als de aangeboren drijfveer hebben om aan hun Innerlijke Zelf te werken, en we zullen hen gidsen."
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