In de rubriek 'Eclecticus' staan enkele interessante pagina's afgedrukt met betrekking tot het thema 'Oorzaak & Gevolg'. Niet enkel en alleen in de horizontale lijn van Verleden-Heden-Toekomst, maar eveneens in de verticale. Onderstaand kort uittreksel geeft jou er een klein idee van...
You see how Man is not free, because he is a minute part of the Cosmos of Organic Life and he is composed of minute parts belonging to the Cosmos of Cells, which in turn are composed of minute parts - namely, molecules - and so on.
Man is composed of cells, which belong to their own cosmos. But Man is part of Organic Life. If Organic Life dies, Man, who is a part, would die. And if the cosmos below Man - the myriads of cells - dies, Man would cease to exist.
Now, this vertical arrangement is permanent. It is, as it were: vertical Cause and Effect. Or you can call it permanent order, or permanent relationship, or the inter-fitting of all things. Whether you say order, permanent arrangement or relationship, etcetera, does not matter at present. What you have to see is that such a thing as order is not in Time, but that Time moves through order.
Now let me try to show you how 'vertical' Cause can be thought of. If you really begin to think of 'vertical' Cause, you will see that there are two sorts and two origins of what we call 'Cause'. Take, for example, a brick. What is the vertical Cause of a brick?
Bricks would not be made unless there were the idea of a house, therefore, in the vertical meaning, the house is the cause of the brick. But in the temporal meaning (horizontal in Time) the brick-kiln is the cause. So it can be represented thus:
Brick-kiln --- Science --------------------------- Brick -------------- Time of brick-making, etcetera
The bricks make the house in Time. But the house makes the bricks in the vertical scale of meaning.
Man, as was said, stands like this, in the centre of the Cross. He has vertical meaning and temporal meaning. The temporal cause of Man is the past in Time: vertical cause is his meaning, and his meaning will be the level of being to which he belongs.

You have heard that your level of being attracts your life. This means your life will be according to your level of being. Levels of being can be represented as points in the vertical line and form life by the horizontal line. If your level of being changes, the horizontal line will pass through another point in the vertical line. I want you to take hold of the general principle involved in these illustrations, not to compare them, but to see the idea behind them.

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