Hoe?... Ik weet het niet, en moest me dus wenden tot iemand die daarover veel te vertellen heeft, en het dus misschien wel kan weten... In dit geval is Freyia Norling haar naam. Ze woont in Noorwegen en verdiept zich in hekserij, sjamanisme en in het occulte in het algemeen. Ik leerde haar kennen terwijl ik op zoek was naar personen die het een en ander over runen konden afweten.
Zoals zovelen in de zogenaamde 'spirituele wereld' bedoelt ze het goed en ben ervan overtuigd dat ze geloof hecht aan elk woord dat ze uit. Luister, bijvoorbeeld, naar hetgeen ze over de rune UR te vertellen had... Ik hoor ze graag bezig. Jij misschien ook.
Over hoe je met de Noorse goden kunt spreken, hoor je hieronder. Zo zei op het einde: "Indien je een boek nodig hebt die jou alle antwoorden zou geven, wel... dan doe je niet hard genoeg je best." Maar vooraleer het te beluisteren geeft ze jou eerst deze boodschap mee...
Hello my dear friends,
it took me two years to get to a point where I felt confident enough for talking about such a strong topic….How to speak with the Norse Gods.
It took some proper guts to perform in front of a camera a blot like the one you are gonna see where I basically talk a language of sounds that some humans will not recognize at all and could end up laughing.
It is perfectly normal, and I accept the risk, but I had to get to a point where I could give you a solid example of how the communication with the gods is established.
The god I chose is the reindeer god the Gabba, but this blot will do for all antlered gods and animals.
For this blot you will need
- urine or other body fluid
- 4 Antlers
- 4 sticks
- to draw the Sami cross at the center of the runebomme, the sami drum as in this example I gave to you I am working on estabilishing connection with the Gabba, the reindeer God.
This spell will work well for calling in Freyr and several other antlered gods and goddesses as I said, you just need to draw with the antlers and sticks the rune or runes connected to them instead of the Sami cross and when it comes to the language... codes to use... you need to talk the same language of the element the god or goddess you want to talk represents.
For example: for a wind god you will joik the wind, for Odin you will joik the ravens and crows, and so on….
If you need to understand how to joik the wind, please focus on the part of this video where I basically talk reindeer, I joik the sound codes of the reindeer to establish connection.
Why Urine?
Bodily fluids have been (and continue to be) used as a means to enhance the power that a practitioner has over a person, a spirit or another element over which they wish to establish control or communication as in our case today. Reindeer is strongly attracted by human urine whenever they feed exclusively on certain lichens.
Pay attention to your level of body strength and life force in the moment you perform this ritual as urine feeds the gods and starves you! So make sure you are replenished before performing this ritual or fainting can occur... been there.
All my love.

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